Pastor Jeff’s Blog

Pastor Jeff McGregor is the shepherd at Living Waters Christian Community. Ps Jeff comes to us with a wealth of experience and a genuine desire to reach the lost and disciple God’s church.
- 10 Signs You Might Be LegalisticLast Sunday (2nd May) I preached on the first six verses of Romans 7, and it talked about how we are dead to the law because of what Jesus has done. I mentioned about legalism and how legalism kills, we… Read more: 10 Signs You Might Be Legalistic
- Can women be pastors?I have been asked about this issue and my thoughts on it many times, at times I have declined to answer to avoid conflict, the person asking was looking for a fight and I will not engage in an argument… Read more: Can women be pastors?
- The unknown God, Part oneThis week in our journey together we will look at the unknown God, this is a length topic so it will be divided into 2 parts, I hope that you find this edifying, and will draw you ever closer to… Read more: The unknown God, Part one
- On knowing GodI would like to ask you to come on a journey with me. A journey of discovery, a journey that will surpass the milk and give meat to the hungry, spiritual meat for the one who desires to know God… Read more: On knowing God
- Are you Progressive?what is your understanding of the word progressive? defines it as favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters. making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocating… Read more: Are you Progressive?
- A new year, a new resolutionThe new year, 2021 has begun in earnest. we have not seen the eradication of the dreaded Covid disease. But a new year has started and with it new hope has come. For some it is because there is a… Read more: A new year, a new resolution
- What is truth?This will be my last blog for the year, 2020 has been a crazy time and December in any year gets a little crazy, so in light of the craziness that is about to ensue here is my final post… Read more: What is truth?
- How Do We Explain the Slaughter of the CanaanitesI found t6hia article this week that was really interesting. It explains for us what is seen as a troubling passage of scripture. I know I found this part of scripture difficult to understand as a young Christian, hopefully this… Read more: How Do We Explain the Slaughter of the Canaanites
- Through the eye gate.Ralph Waldo Emerson once quoted “Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.” while I don’t… Read more: Through the eye gate.
- 10 Books of the Bible Christians Don’t Read EnoughAs I was going through my emails this morning I came upon this article. When it comes to Gods word, I get excited, its His word to us, shows us His glory, His plan for us. It contains His total… Read more: 10 Books of the Bible Christians Don’t Read Enough
- Conspiracy theories and rabbit trailsin 1997 a film came out titled ‘Conspiracy theory’ starring Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. The movie is interesting if a little bit hard to follow, but it’s about a conspiracy at the government level. It has amazed me over… Read more: Conspiracy theories and rabbit trails
- Dig a little deeperIts very easy to read scripture and miss things. I did an investigation into Mark 1:1-8 a while ago and it was amazing what I found. I want to share with you what I found and how amazing Gods word… Read more: Dig a little deeper
- 7 Theories of the Atonement SummarizedThe nature of the Atonement has been something I have looked at, studied, thought about a lot. It is something that amazes me; that God would come in the flesh and be a sacrifice on my behalf so that I… Read more: 7 Theories of the Atonement Summarized
- Healthy church?What constitutes a healthy church? Is it its size? Does bigger mean health? Is it worship style? If it’s not loud and energetic then it must be dead? Is it the preaching? If it makes me feel bad, is it… Read more: Healthy church?
- The EucharistI want to get into a little theology in this blog if i may. I have been doing a bit of reading and research into the Eucharist, or communion, and how other traditions view it. So i would like to… Read more: The Eucharist
- Christian unityWelcome back folks, to another blog. For those of you who attend our church on a Sunday morning my messages of late have been on unity, the main theme of Paul’s epistle to the church at Ephesus. I thought that… Read more: Christian unity
- Jesus weptFor those of you who may have noticed, I didn’t write a blog last week. But here is one for this week. My plan is to try and write one a week but at times other things take priority, but… Read more: Jesus wept
- 10 False Versions of Jesus People Are Falling ForIt seems that I read a lot of online articles, but I read them to be kept informed about faith, theology, and the way it impacts us as believers. So, I was reading an article with the above-mentioned title and… Read more: 10 False Versions of Jesus People Are Falling For
- 9 Reasons Scripture Memorization MattersHow many of us remember as kids being sent down to the shops by mum or dad to buy a loaf of bread, a 500 gram block of butter or whatever it might be. We were told not to forget,… Read more: 9 Reasons Scripture Memorization Matters
- 7 Breathtaking Privileges of Being a Child of GodAs I was reading my emails this morning I came across an article that I found profoundly encouraging. Instead of me giving my thought and comments on the article, I will place it here so you can read it and… Read more: 7 Breathtaking Privileges of Being a Child of God
- The 5 solasWhat are the things that you hold onto as the fundamentals of your life, the ‘rules to live by’ as it were? As a kid, my parents gave my brother, my sister, and myself three rules to follow in life. These… Read more: The 5 solas
- The debate that caused a councilHave you even had a debate that got so fierce that there had to be an arbitrator? Someone or a group of people who help settle the issue, a mini council, as it were, to figure out who was telling… Read more: The debate that caused a council
- Under constructionHave you ever visited a website only to be greeted with the words “This site is under construction”? I now have had this happen to me. I heard about a new site with interesting content or selling books by various… Read more: Under construction
- The Lord is my shepherdOne of my favourite books in the bible is the book of Psalms, it contains such an array of different types of poetry. From praise to God, songs of joy and jubilation, prayers of praise, laments and seeking God, the… Read more: The Lord is my shepherd
- Why fellowship is important“I don’t need to go to church to be a Christian” is something that I have heard many times. On the surface it seems kind of true, but in reality when you dig you find a deeper reason for this… Read more: Why fellowship is important
- False teachers/ prophets and a false gospelThis title is provocative and I intend it to be. There has been a burden on my heart to write on this for some time, but did not want to be rash or write in a way that would cause… Read more: False teachers/ prophets and a false gospel
- What is Faith really?Some of you may have noticed that I didn’t post a blog last week, so for those of you who read these blogs weekly as they are published, I apologise. I have been thinking about the subject of faith and… Read more: What is Faith really?
- Subtle SeductionA number of years ago I read 2 books, one was called ‘The seduction of Christianity’ and the other, ‘Beyond seduction’, both by Dave hunt. These two books opened my eyes to some of the things that were happening in… Read more: Subtle Seduction
- A living sacrifice?When I was born again some 28 years ago I got introduced to Christian metal, I was into secular and satanic metal bands before I was saved, so to find out there was Christian metal was fantastic, the idea that… Read more: A living sacrifice?
- A very special SundayYou may have been wondering why I haven’t posted a blog ‘til now? After all, I usually post 2 blogs a week. Well, the truth is that, this Sunday is a very special day, a day where we celebrate mothers.… Read more: A very special Sunday
- “Kill hungry thirsty dead”There was an advertisement on TV about a flavoured milk drink called Oak. The way they advertised it was that if you are hungry and thirsty then this drink will ‘Kill that feeling dead’. Do you remember the ad? It… Read more: “Kill hungry thirsty dead”
- Do you have the answer?I remember years ago in my first year of Bible College I was introduced to Apologetics. The lecturer (Dr Bob Robinson) made the joke that apologetics is the study of being sorry for being a Christian. You could hear the… Read more: Do you have the answer?
- Putting things in perspectiveIt’s easy at times to make a mountain out of a molehill, to lose sight of what’s really important. Sometimes it’s a case of too much to do and not enough time, others it’s due to the enormity of what… Read more: Putting things in perspective
- Clearing out the vinesIn the backyard of our house there is a huge overgrown vine. It’s so overgrown that its tendrils are intertwined with the branches of a bush that grows near it. It’s a nice vine, not one that produces fruit though,… Read more: Clearing out the vines
- A tower of translationsWhy are there so many translations of the Bible in English? This was a question asked of Dr James White. His answer was, ‘There was no need for anymore translations into English, we have enough already’. But the fact that… Read more: A tower of translations
- Have you got your belt on?In our household when we put our kids to bed, we get the kids to tell us what the various parts of the armour of God are. When we come to the belt of truth, both Abigail and Logan say… Read more: Have you got your belt on?
- This is the day that the Lord has made.Psalm 118:24 “this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” I remember back in the 90’s (wow, that so long ago now!) we used to sing a song based on this… Read more: This is the day that the Lord has made.
- S.O.A.PWhat is SOAP?, I’m not talking about sanitation and cleanliness, although that is important in these times. Rather, what does SOAP as an acronym mean? I came across this a number of years ago in a book entitled ‘The divine… Read more: S.O.A.P
- Pressing ForwardFor my first post, I thought that I would write on something that would encourage you as we enter this time of isolation, or as I will refer to it: the ‘Covid-19 era’. In my daily reading, I was reading… Read more: Pressing Forward