Conspiracy theories and rabbit trails

in 1997 a film came out titled ‘Conspiracy theory’ starring Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. The movie is interesting if a little bit hard to follow, but it’s about a conspiracy at the government level. It has amazed me over the last 2 years the number of people who believe certain ‘fringe ideas’ and ‘conspiracy theories’, even those who proclaim Christ as Lord. I want to talk about this issue with a biblical basis, so let’s start with scripture.

Matthew 14:28-30 And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29 He said, “Come.” So, Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.”

Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

What do these 2 verses have in common? They have the idea that all things are in God’s hands, and that He provides all we need. So, what has this got to do with conspiracy theories? A lot. Let me start with a story about a friend of mine. He is a dad to two kids, I got to know Him from school drop off and pick up as we were both stay at home dads. While he knew, and still does, about Jesus he didn’t have a relationship with Him, because he was unable to work, he turned his attention to reading the bible and to local politics. Neither of these things are bad, but he started to listen to people in the realm of local politics (the shire council) who were saying that according to the 1901 commonwealth constitution that local councils are illegal, therefore rates are a tax that is illegal, also when they purchased their homes, the agreement was that it was bought ‘fee simple’ meaning that there is no taxation to be levied against the land. My friend caught onto this and really got into it, he even got involved with a political party with its focus of letting the constitution being enforced to get rid of councils. I wish this was a far as it went, but no. Over time my friend went down rabbit trails of other conspiracies, 5G is a weapon, new vaccines contain nanobots, vaccines cause autism, etc, really strange stuff.

It’s easy to fall for these things if one does not have a sure focus, our focus should be Christ, if we trust in Him then we have nothing to worry about. My friend unfortunately didn’t have his gaze on Jesus, and so like Peter when he walked on water and looked around him, was sinking. Are we keeping our gaze on Jesus? Or are we so consumed and concerned with the affairs of the world that we get distracted? The enemy wants nothing more than to have Christians distracted, to take their eyes of Christ and onto ‘things’ that seem to be of importance.

It concerns me that many Christians are turning to these unfounded conspiracies and tout them as if they are either proven, or true and that the rest of us are either blind or ignorant, but when we ask for the evidence of such claims, we find that their research is from either face book or pseudo scientist, whose evidence is sadly lacking any real research or data that can be tested. why do we so quickly turn away from the Lord to the machinations of the enemy? while we do have a real enemy, do we keep thinking about him, or do we keep thinking on Jesus, and meditate on His word? we as believers are called to worship Him alone, and not to let the worries around us to distract us.

what’s my point? while we should be on our guard, it is not to be so all consuming that it takes us away from prayer and reading His word. don’t worry about tomorrow, do what Christ has called you to do. Don’t get sucked in by the lies being promoted by the charlatans and their blinded followers. Trust in Christ, He is our source, our anchor, our sure hope, and foundation.

There are many conspiracies out there vying for your attention, if you want truth, then the truth is out there, it’s called The Bible, read it and you will find truth, Jesus said in John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. He is the only way, He is the truth, He is life, trust in Him and you will know the truth.

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In Christ our redeemer Ps Jeff

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