COVID-19 Plan June 2020
Last updated: 6th June 2020
Good afternoon church family
Further to the elders letter to the church, please familiarise yourselves with the following:
- LWCC has completed the recommended SA Government COVID SAFE PLAN online.
- Churches of Christ SA & NT has urged us to complete the plan and adhere to the obligations set out in the plan.
- The COVID SAFE PLAN is displayed prominently in the church foyer and the church office.
- If you are attending any meeting / gathering in the church, (or anytime you enter the building) you must sanitise your hands on entry and departure and observe the current 1.5m social distancing protocols. More detailed protocols are set out in the plan.
- If you are attending any meeting / gathering in the church you must add your name and sign the relevant attendance sheet.
- Morning prayer sheets are located in the office, all other attendance sheets can be found on dedicated clip boards in the large Club Sunday room.
- Please place completed sheets in the labelled purple box in the office: LWCC is required to keep these for evidence should we be audited for compliance.
- If you require further sign in sheets please contact Karina to get more printed.
- The COVID SAFE PLAN is attached; it sets out the plan in greater detail than I have outlined in this email.
- If you would like a hard copy of the plan please contact me if and I can print a copy out for you.
Thank you Church Family.